Wiki Modifier for urodynamics?


Dalton, GA
Best answers
Medicaid is rejecting 51727 Complex cystometrogram wanting a modifier. Patient was seen for this reason only. This is the only code for that particular date of service. We refiled with -57 modifier and was rejected. We've talked to four different people, including the provider rep. Rep states it should have paid, but offered nothing with the exception of he'd look into it. Any ideas? Am I missing something? Thank you!
Teresa Keith
North Georgia Women's Center
Dalton, GA
What is the POS and the dx code? was there any other code submitted on this claim? any other provider billing for a service on this same date?
Office - POS Dx
625.6 Female stress incontinence
599.81 Urethral hypermobility

This was the only service reported by our physicians on this date of service. We know of no other visits anywhere else on that same date, but I wondered if it might be a possibility.

Teresa Keith, CPC