Wiki modifier help


Greenwood, SC
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can someone please (in layman terms)explain the difference between a 52 and 53 modifier

attempt was made to cross the LAD using a 0.014 luge wire loaded onto an emerge 2.0 x 15 mm balloon. Due to heavy calcification and location of the lesion unable to cross and second attempt was made
attempted PCI of the mid LAD however aborted is unable to cross with wire

52 reduced service = the entire procedure was not performed. We all know that each code stands for a complete procedure so if all the "parts" of that complete procedure aren't performed you can use this modifier to signify that. Say, a doctor does a hernia repair but he/she does not close. The closure is part of the procedure and that part was not done so you would use the 52 to show that the entire procedure was not performed.

53 discontinued procedure = there is a reason why the procedure could not be completed. The note would say "we had to abort the procedure due to _______". So if a doctor is performing a hernia repair and the patient becomes hypotensive the procedure would be discontinued. You can use the Z53.09 and I95.9 to show that the case was stopped due to hypotension.

Hope this helps!