Wiki Modifiers TC and 26


True Blue
Overland Park, KS
Best answers
I understand the difference between these modifiers, but I have a question regarding the correct use.

We only perform the x-ray at my clinics. We send the x-rays out to be read by an outside radiologist. We have a contract with the radiologist for the reading of the films and we pay him/her for this service. My question is do we still appended modifier TC to our x-rays since we pay the radiologist for the read? I don't know if the radiologist bills or not. Thanks. :confused:
Modifier TC and 26

If you have a contract and are paying the radiologist to read the x-rays, then you should be billing globally and they should not be billing. If he is billing then you shouldn't be paying him for a service that he is already being paid for by the insurer.