Wiki Monitoring Patient


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If we give a patient a drug in the office and they have to stay for a few hours to be monitored including taking vitals every 15 minutes to ensure no reaction to the drug can we bill for the monitoring and if so what would the code be?

There are prolonged services codes 99354-99335 (Direct Contact) and 99358-99359 (Indirect Contact) that can be reported in addition to the initial E/M.
be careful with this as further research may be indicated. Yes, there are those Prolonged Service Codes, but you can't count the time patient is just awaiting to be checked for signs. If I remember correctly, documentation is the crux of the matter to how many minutes dr. or nurse (not sure about the nurse) actually spends WITH the patient getting this information. If the patient is in the office many hours, you may have enough time is this type of documentation to warrant capturing the Prolonged Service codes. bit you can't calculate the "wait" time of the patient.