Wiki More ROS ?


True Blue
Ellington, CT
Best answers
We are having a problem in my office with ROS (what else?) I audit the hospital records and another girl does the office (we automatically do a pre-billing audit on any level 4 or 5, and random audits on lower levels). Anyway, on to my dilemma, someone told the person I work with that you can count listed medications for ROS (ie ritalin=neuro, insulin or synthorid=endocrine). I think these belong in past history, but I haven't been able to find any documentation that specifically addresses this. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Can she support that? I for one would NOT count medications in the ROS...documenting a list of medications that a patient takes does not support the intent of the ROS - which is questions from the provider about systems that may be affected by the chief complaint. I think the meds list belongs in the PFSH. Anyone else?
I've never listed the meds under ROS - always under PFSH. If the meds being taken are a "modifying factor" to the HPI, well then - that's where it goes - (ie; excedrin for headache helps).... But a list of meds for chronic issues such as HTN, or DM..or anything else that the patient is on regularly for chronic issues belongs under the PFSH component.
{that's my opinion on the posted matter}