Wiki morphometric analysis 88360

Results showing a percentage/numbers as in a CD138 Focally some bone marrow spaces demonstrate approximately 10-15% of the overall bone marrow cellularity positive. that shows a quantitative/semi-quantitative results. Other examples Estrogen receptors: Positive (100 % positive cells), Her2 overexpression: Negative (0, scale 0-3+), Ki67 proliferative index: Low (1-2% positive cells). Hope this helps.
Hi, serennaodonnell but I am betting if you queried this, it was just simply a normal IHC stain and they simply threw out their interpretation of a a range of percentages.
Also, how would your send your pathology report if the morphometric wasn't documented, if lets just state CK45 was also performed with Ki67? (88360 with 88342 is a true denial battle). Lets say Medica or our favorite BCBS states its "mutually exclusive" even though you need to appeal (goodness if your billing team allows this because my facility, they are clearly crazy writing off small balances like 88342 because of the EOB adjustment codes but they give you 88341xnumber of charges as a denial that they really want to appeal, That pathology report needs to clearly state morphometric in the final interpretation or you are hearing crickets and nothing on the back side here.
Please query, ask those questions. Please explain my rationale if you cannot. Even if you don't work those those denials personally. I seriously pray that I gave my biller enough information we had 'ENOUGH NECESSARY" information to appeal this accession.
Morphometric stains are precise. They give you the definitive answer 80%, 90%, equivocal, or otherwise.
I'm hopeful I answered all your questions, if not. Please respond, okay. Thank you for listening and have a fantastic evening!
Ki-67 can be either IHC or morphometric. (I have providers using it both ways).
You provided <90% and I would be alright with billing 88360. It really depends on your facility, some use that as an IHC and others use as morphometric analysis. Again let's BE CRYSTAL CLEAR and head back to documentation. Do you have the breast biopsy documented and the all those areas of your pathology report documented appropriately to support morphometric stains?
Breast biopsies can be a beast. You bill 88360 for the Estrogen Receptor, and 88360 Progesterone Receptor, 88360 for the Ki-67, and 88360 for HER2/NEU receptor and let's say it is equivocal? They need the FISH its a solid 88377 charge.
Please reach out, I have the information if your facility was billing out something other than 883777 on the FISH studies. and I will help okay.