Wiki MUE on cardiac new 2013 PCI procedures


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Is anyone else seeing a new MUE edit for the new cardiology PCI procedures? We recently started getting this from our scrubbers and was curious to know if anyone else. 92920-92944 clearly state major artery or branch for inital codes and each additional branch of major artery for the add on codes. CPT clearly defines what a major artery is considered adn what a branch is considired. SO if the physician stents a RCA and LAD is it not appropraite to report 92928 RC and 92928 LD 59? The LAD is defined as a major artery. Any insight woudl be great.
you are correct. There are no MUEs for these codes according to my coding software. I believe you do need to list the 59 modifier first though.

HTH! :)