Wiki Multi-Level DDD


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If a patient were to have degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine at L3-4, L4-5, L5-S1 which ICD-10 code/codes would you assign?

M51.36 is just the lumbar region which would include the L3-L5.
M51.37 is lumbosacral which would include the L5-S1.

So would you code both or just one? Debate going on amongst us coders.

Thanks for the help!
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Thank you so much! I asked the question to the AAPC coder who taught our ICD-10 boot camp class after I posted here and she said only use M51.37 based on what she knows. Oh the confusion continues :)
This is a common question. While the cervical disc disorders section in ICD-10-CM has a note that states to code to the most superior level of the disorder, the thoracic, thoracolumbar & lumbosacral section does not have this note. It has been my understanding that both are coded if documented using your example.