Wiki Multi Mods used for surgery?


Powder Springs, GA
Best answers
When I was coming across other patient accts, I noticied one patient was billed the following: 52353- RT,52352 51-50, and a 52005 51-LT,76000-26
I am taking my CPC course now, and I didnt know the exact answer. Can a 51 mod be billed w/RT or LT mod? Also which would come first? Also w/50 can a 51 mod be billed too? Also which would come first 51 or 50
I of course did not post this charge, and just wanted some input

First check for bundleing, then put first the modifer that will adjusicate the reimbursement the most first. the 50 is the one that ids the procedure for bilateral for 150% reimbursement, so it would go first, the Lt, RT, or 59 or the ones that id a specific body area or separate body area for additional reimbursement or to unbundle so they would go before a 51. The 51 modifier only indicates that the procedure it is attached to was performed in the same session as the previous procedure.