Wiki Multiple procedure reduction stent


Rossville, GA
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My physician performed DES stent in LD and LC, along with LHC/grafts....
I coded:

billed to Medicare

all were paid, but they are taking the multiple procedure reductions on both my second stent and heart cath...I was under the impression (from all the information I read on the new codes) that they would not do the multiple proc reduction on the second stenting the reduction correct?

You might want to look into other threads for your answer, I have seen this question asked before and replys that these codes were effected by the reduction.

Also I am confused, I see you used code 92928 twice, I thought that 92929 was used for additional vessels.

I'm looking back at my notes now and it states that "one base code is submitted per major coronary artery or branch intervention"

So we can use the 92928 multiole times as long we are in different vessels? and the additional code 92929 for additional branches of the vessels?

Glad I saw this for clarfication! is my understanding 92928 is used as long as it is a different vessel...92929 only if in same vessel...thanks for the info...I will try to look at other threads to see about the reduction...
You might want to look into other threads for your answer, I have seen this question asked before and replys that these codes were effected by the reduction.

Also I am confused, I see you used code 92928 twice, I thought that 92929 was used for additional vessels.

I'm looking back at my notes now and it states that "one base code is submitted per major coronary artery or branch intervention"

So we can use the 92928 multiole times as long we are in different vessels? and the additional code 92929 for additional branches of the vessels?

Glad I saw this for clarfication!

92928 is used for the RC, LC, And LD. 92998 is for the the branches for each major artery, but can only be used twice.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC