Wiki nasal bleeding


Monclova, OH
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Patient went to ER for endoscopic control of nasal bleeding by packing following nasal surgery that was 3 days before. The CPTs for the prior surgery were 30140, 30520, and 31256 so there is a 90 day global period. My question is, can I bill for the endoscopic control of the bleeding with the packing or is that going to be part of the global? Thanks in advance for your help!
CCI Narrative states:

"if bleeding occurs in the postoperative period and requires return to the operating room for treatment, a HCPCS/CPT code for the control of the bleeding may be reported with modifier 78 indicating that the procedure was a complication of a prior procedure requiring treatment in the operating room. However, control of postoperative bleeding not requiring return to the operating room is not separately reportable"

So I guess in your case the question is, was the patient treated in the ER or in the OR? If OR then you can bill it.

nasal bleeding control

If it was complication due to the previous surgery, then yes you can bill it with a modifier 78 if the patient returned to operating room, with the complication diag code 998.11.

Hope this helps,
Kristen Richard, CPC