Wiki NCCI Edits


Dawsonville, GA
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Hi, I hope someone can help with this question. I am trying to bill 45380 with 45381. The NCCI edits do not have the codes in the column 2. If you look for 45380 in column 1 or 45381 in column 1. Does that mean I can bill them together without a modifier? What does it mean?

Thank you for the help.
The table can be tricky to read! Column 2 is the code that would deny. Column 1 is the code it would bundle in to. That makes finding your code pairs tricky, but it sounds like you did the right thing: find 45380 in column 1 then see if 45381 is in column two. Not finding that, check 45381 in column 1 then see if 45380 is in column 2. Not finding a combination either way, you're good to go. If you had found the code pair, and if a modifier is appropriate, you would need to append it to the column 2 code.