Wiki Neck pilomatricoma excision


Baldwin Park, CA
Best answers
DX: Pilomatricoma

Procedure performed: Excision of left posterior neck mass 4cm

A 4cm incision was made over the mass and dissected down to the adipose layer. A layer mass was then delivered and dissected off the adipose tissue. The entire specimen was sent to Pathology for permanent section. The wound was irrigated with normal saline and closed in 3 layers; the deep layer using 3-0 Vicryl suture, the dermal layer closed with 4-0 Vicryl suture, and the subcuticular was reapproximated using 5-0 Monocryl.

Am I correct to assign 21552 - excision, tumor, soft tissue of neck or anterior thorax, subcutaneous, 3cm or greater; or

should I assign code from begnin skin lesion section with intermediate closure?

Thanks for advice.
i would agree with 21552 because the mass was dissected subcutaneous, when I think of excision of benign lesion I do not think of dissection that deep,

I did some research last night. Pilomartricomas fall into integumentary benign excision code series, although they may descend extensively into the subcutaneous, space, have cutaneous structure origins.