Wiki Need a little advice......


Ann Arbor, MI
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I just started with a D.C. that has been in practice for a while and see roughly 200 patients a week. I have started being integrated into the billing side of things and am beginning to have some concerns. I recently found out that he is currently be audited by Medicare for one, due to lacking support in documentation. Second, I am concerned because he wants his patients to continue on with care after their deductibles are met, wants his care to be affordable to all his patients and doesn't necessarily charge all of the co-pays that are being charged by the ins companys and gives set prices for monthly plans. For right now while he is under audit by medicare he isn't charging his medicare patients or if he is it is at a set monthly rate with no specification to number of visits.

I am new to the medical field and just certified this year with the billing and coding stuff. His practice has me questioning is this right? I understand him wanting to provide affordable services, he eventually wants to have a complete cash practice. But Im not sure if what he is currently doing is right? Im looking for any insight please.

Thanks in advance! Havea great day!