Wiki Need clarification on 83014


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H. Pylori Breath Test - I know the code for this is 83013, but provider wants to add on 83014 - says it is for collecting the test, but definition in the CPT book states it is for drug administration. Help please?

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General Guidelines for Submitting Claims for Carriers or Intermediaries or MAC Part A or Part B:

C-13 Breath Tests (83013, and 83014) should be billed as follows;
Clinical Laboratory

a. 83013 (C-13) should be billed for the analysis of the breath sample by mass spectrometry, and includes the drug/agent and kit/supplies.
b. 83014 (C-13) should be billed for the administration of the drug/agent and
collection of breath sample.

Hope this helps.
Thanks. That does help explain it. Although I have seen two different ways of doing this test - one by swallowing an isotope capsule and one by drinking a lemon flavored solution. Are they the same test and do they use the same code? 83013?