Wiki need help 33208 or 33228?


Middletown, DE
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Implant PPM dual w/ new rv lead insert
Rv Lead Revision
Pre-procedure Diagnosis

Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter [T82.111A]
Link to Procedure Log

Procedure Log

Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter [T82.111A (ICD-10-CM)]
Bradycardia [R00.1 (ICD-10-CM)]
Complication associated with cardiac pacemaker lead, initial encounter [T82.9XXA
Cardiac Pacemaker DDDR Pulse Generator Replacement and new RV Lead Operative Report
Procedure(s): DDDR Permanent Pacemaker Pulse Generator Replacement
Intermittent CHB
RV lead malfunction, high pacing thresholds 5V/1.0 ms
Hardware Implanted: ## Not MRI COMPATIBLE ##
Boston Scientific PPM PG ACOLADE DR, MN # L301, SN # 750183
Boston Scientific active fixation right ventricular lead MN # 7741-52, SN # 781063
Hardware Explanted:
Boston Scientific MN S603, SN 964970
Hardware Abandoned:
Old RV pacing lead capped and tied, high pacing threholds. MN 4163 Guidant, SN 29071227
Procedure Details
The risks, benefits, complications, treatment options, and expected outcomes were discussed with the patient. The patient and/or family concurred with the proposed plan, giving informed consent. Patient was marked and timeout done.
The antibiotic was completely infused. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and the left upper chest anesthetized with 10 cc of 50/50 mixture of 0.25% marcaine and 2% lidocaine. An incision was made in the deltopectoral groove and electrocautery used to perform dissection down to the pacemaker pocket where the pocket was incised, the device delivered. A single left subclavian vein puncture placed a guidewire into the superior vena cava. Tear-away sheath introduced the lead into the superior vena cava where fluoroscopic guidance assisted placement of the active fixation right ventricular lead into the RV apex and then lifted into the distal RV septum where the lead was actively fixated. The lead was anchored to the pectoralis fascial using 0 Ethibond. Pacing and sensing thresholds were obtained. Pacing and sensing parameters were tested. The old A lead was secured to the new device as well as the new RV lead. and the device placed in the pocket after expanding the pocket, irrigation with an antibiotic solution, and hemostasis.
The Incision was closed in 3 layers, the lower two with running 2-0 Vicryl and the cutaneous with 4-0 Vicryl. Steri-Strips and a dry sterile dressing were placed over the wound and the patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition for recovery from anesthesia. The patient's underlying rhythm was NSR with 1:1 AV conduction, LBBB, with intermittent CHB.
Measured Data: P wave 4.4 mV, 441 ohms, thr 1.3 V at 0.4 ms
R wave 12.8 mV, 899 ohms, thr 1.1 V at 0.4 ms
Final Parameters: DDDR 60-120

so the physician did dual pacemaker gen change and add new rv lead with old ra lead and he wants to bill his charges as gen change and new lead insertion which you can't bill according to cci edits whenever there is new lead its new implant which in this case will be 33208. am I correct?
thanks in advance

Implant PPM dual w/ new rv lead insert
Rv Lead Revision
Pre-procedure Diagnosis

Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter [T82.111A]
Link to Procedure Log

Procedure Log

Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter [T82.111A (ICD-10-CM)]
Bradycardia [R00.1 (ICD-10-CM)]
Complication associated with cardiac pacemaker lead, initial encounter [T82.9XXA
Cardiac Pacemaker DDDR Pulse Generator Replacement and new RV Lead Operative Report
Procedure(s): DDDR Permanent Pacemaker Pulse Generator Replacement
Intermittent CHB
RV lead malfunction, high pacing thresholds 5V/1.0 ms
Hardware Implanted: ## Not MRI COMPATIBLE ##
Boston Scientific PPM PG ACOLADE DR, MN # L301, SN # 750183
Boston Scientific active fixation right ventricular lead MN # 7741-52, SN # 781063
Hardware Explanted:
Boston Scientific MN S603, SN 964970
Hardware Abandoned:
Old RV pacing lead capped and tied, high pacing threholds. MN 4163 Guidant, SN 29071227
Procedure Details
The risks, benefits, complications, treatment options, and expected outcomes were discussed with the patient. The patient and/or family concurred with the proposed plan, giving informed consent. Patient was marked and timeout done.
The antibiotic was completely infused. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and the left upper chest anesthetized with 10 cc of 50/50 mixture of 0.25% marcaine and 2% lidocaine. An incision was made in the deltopectoral groove and electrocautery used to perform dissection down to the pacemaker pocket where the pocket was incised, the device delivered. A single left subclavian vein puncture placed a guidewire into the superior vena cava. Tear-away sheath introduced the lead into the superior vena cava where fluoroscopic guidance assisted placement of the active fixation right ventricular lead into the RV apex and then lifted into the distal RV septum where the lead was actively fixated. The lead was anchored to the pectoralis fascial using 0 Ethibond. Pacing and sensing thresholds were obtained. Pacing and sensing parameters were tested. The old A lead was secured to the new device as well as the new RV lead. and the device placed in the pocket after expanding the pocket, irrigation with an antibiotic solution, and hemostasis.
The Incision was closed in 3 layers, the lower two with running 2-0 Vicryl and the cutaneous with 4-0 Vicryl. Steri-Strips and a dry sterile dressing were placed over the wound and the patient was transferred to the PACU in stable condition for recovery from anesthesia. The patient's underlying rhythm was NSR with 1:1 AV conduction, LBBB, with intermittent CHB.
Measured Data: P wave 4.4 mV, 441 ohms, thr 1.3 V at 0.4 ms
R wave 12.8 mV, 899 ohms, thr 1.1 V at 0.4 ms
Final Parameters: DDDR 60-120

so the physician did dual pacemaker gen change and add new rv lead with old ra lead and he wants to bill his charges as gen change and new lead insertion which you can't bill according to cci edits whenever there is new lead its new implant which in this case will be 33208. am I correct?
thanks in advance

33233 and 33207 should be charged.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC