Wiki Need help coding 96375


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Hello, I’m wondering if anyone has any resources regarding billing 96375 more than once for the same drug? The description states each additional sequential intravenous push of a new substance/drug, so I would assume that if any IVP drug is repeated during an infusion that you could only bill one, right? Or would you consider it new if there were different drugs infused in between them?
Ex: Pt receives an infusion of Toradol, Benadryl, zofran and then Benadryl again. Because the zofran was pushed and then another drug was pushed after that, would you consider Benadryl to be a new drug again? Or is new to be considered as only if a different drug all together?
I appreciate any guidance on this!
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Hello, I’m wondering if anyone has any resources regarding billing 96375 more than once for the same drug? The description states each additional sequential intravenous push of a new substance/drug, so I would assume that if any IVP drug is repeated during an infusion that you could only bill one, right? Or would you consider it new if there were different drugs infused in between them?
Ex: Pt receives an infusion of Toradol, Benadryl, zofran and then Benadryl again. Because the zofran was pushed and then another drug was pushed after that, would you consider Benadryl to be a new drug again? Or is new to be considered as only if a different drug all together?
I appreciate any guidance on this!
I'm not sure if you are a member of Compliant Coding Academy as well, but there is an excellent presentation in regards to IVP and all other injection coding. It is called Putting An End To Injection and Infusion Confusion. Upon reading the presentation again, it looks like the 1st IVP should be coded as 96374-Initial or 1st Push, then sequentially for each additional drug would be coded as 96375. Use 96376 for each additional sequential IVP of the same substance/drug provided