Wiki Need help coding Immunizations

Fairview, NJ
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If a CPC can answer this question. It will be very helpul and appreciated.

When giving Immunizations to a child how should the visit be coded as a regular well visit (99381-99395) or a regular E/M service (99201-99215) utilizong the ICD9 codes need for vaccines?
it depends...why is the child coming in? is it for the "check up" and vaccinations or are they coming in because of a a problem, (sore throat, ear pain, etc),...and, oh - while here they'll get their vaccinations updated...????

it could be either/or - depends on the intent of the visit and supporting documentation.

if it's for vaccinations only - and they only see the nurse for a shot, and it's planned, they know their coming in and for what shots they'll be getting - that's all we code is the "shot and admin".. no office visit.

other opinions??..... :)
Donna is correct, what is the reason for the encounter, if it is to receive imunizations the code only the administration of imunization codes on office visit.

Hi please check the following egs,
for new patient well visit:99283 - 25 - V20.2
90471 - appropriate vaccine icd code
for est pt well visit:99293 - 25 - v20.2
90471 - appropriate vaccine icd code
for new pt with sore throat 99203 - 25 - 462
90471 - appropriate vaccine icd code
for est pt 99213 - 25 - 462
90471 - appropriate vaccine icd code

after u check please reply me
You should only bill the well patient visit if the documentation include all the requirements of a comprehensive preventive medicine exam and if the patient has no complaints. If an illness is discovered during the provision of the preventive exam, and E/M should be coded separately appending a modifier 25. Also, don't forget to bill the administration for your vaccines!