Wiki Need help with EKG's

Hi there:

This is what I have: I’m trying to figure out how to code each! I am coding 93010 for the provider but need help with the diagnosis

Atrial-paced rhythm with prolonged AV conduction
Septal infarct, age undetermined

Afib with junctional escape

Sinus rhythm
Ventricular trigeminy
LVH with IVCD and secondary repol abnrm
Inferior infarct, old

Sinus rhythm with paced beats
Inferior myocardial infarction, of indeterminate age
Moderate T-wave abnormality, consider anterolateral ischemia

I also wanted to get your take on coding nonspecific intraventricle conduction delay

Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out. I appreciate any help that you may provide.