Wiki Need help with Prodedure coding: Lac repair or Nail repair


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I need help with coding a procedure (new coder of only 3 months):

Pt comes in with laceration of 2nd & 3rd finger. The 3rd finger also has an nail avulsion. The MD does a 2 layer repair to the 2nd finger (1.5 cm) which would be 12031. On the 3rd finger her re-approximated the nail and tacked it down with 2 sutures on the nail and repaired the pad with 2 sutures (1 cm). Would this be coded as 12001?
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I have another question regarding laceration repairs.

Pt has 26 cm lac on hand. The MD did a single layer repair but did debride the devitalized tissue with iris scissors. He is reporting it as a complex repair. Would not this be more a simple repair (12006)?
the 2 layer repair would be 12041 for fingers
next you are correct at 12001 for the nail tack down w/2 sutures
26 cm repair on hand you are correct at 12006
read the guidelines page 75 item 3, simple debridement is included in the repair code
hope this helps. happy coding!
The single layer hand laceration could be a complex repair, particularly if the repair were of the thin skin on the dorsum, which rarely benefits from deeper sutures. Sharp iris scissors might have be used to create a defect necessary for closure. Your provided description is not adequate to determine the complexity. Query the provider if you are unsure.