Wiki Need Help with Renal Artery Stent coding


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Hello, I am new to facility cardiology coding and need some help undertanding their coding denials. We have a hospital out patient claim where they paid 93455 and other related line items, but denied 37236 with denial codes N34- Incorrect claim format for this service and N95 provider type may not bill for this service. Any insight would be very much appreciated.
Where was the stent placed? You coded a Coronary angiogram with grafts for your basic code, then coded a vascular stent placement. You should be looking at the codes 92920 to 92979 and the C-codes for your intervention.
Where was the stent placed? You coded a Coronary angiogram with grafts for your basic code, then coded a vascular stent placement. You should be looking at the codes 92920 to 92979 and the C-codes for your intervention.
HI Jim, the stent was placed in the right renal artery. I am actually working a denial and did not originally code this chart. it says: procedure performed Coronary Angiogram LCA Left Coronary , RCA Right Coronary with Right peripheral renal artery stent. Femoral artery access site. LCA angiogram manually injected using diag cath; RCA manually injected using JR4 5.0. Right Renal Angio; femoral artery sheath exchanged for pinnacle introducer sheath and PTCA cath inserted during the intervention on the lesion in the right renal artery. Sheath removed and hemostasis acheived with Perclose. These codes were on the claim: C1725, C1760, C1769, C1887, C1894, C1876, 36251, 37236, 99152, 99153, 93455, J1644, Q9967.
What I see that you are missing is C1876, for the stent. Simply, if you did any angioplasty, you need an angioplasty catheter. If you placed a stent, you need a stent code. Looking at all your codes, after you add C1876, you should be good on appeal.
What I see that you are missing is C1876, for the stent. Simply, if you did any angioplasty, you need an angioplasty catheter. If you placed a stent, you need a stent code. Looking at all your codes, after you add C1876, you should be good on appeal.
Thank you so much Jim! I appreciate it