Wiki need help with unsuccessful attempt for peripheral


Middletown, DE
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After obtaining informed consent, the patient was prepped in usual fashion. Approximately 10 mL 2% lidocaine anesthesia was administered to the right popliteal fossa prior to placement of the arterial sheath. Under fluoroscopic guidance and using modified Seldinger technique, we attempted to obtain 5 French access into the right popliteal artery. Initially had pulsatile blood flow and advanced a 5 French sheath in place, but subsequent angiography revealed that we were in the popliteal vein. We then removed the sheath and held manual compression for hemostasis. We made additional attempts with both standard access needles and micropuncture needles to access the artery. We obtained arterial blush and pulsatile flow but were unable to advance the wire. After a significant amount of time was attempted recanalizing the vessel, we decided to abort the procedure and reattempt on a different date with lower access.

The patient was then transferred to the recovery area in stable condition.


1. Attempted popliteal access on the right, unsuccessful despite adequate blush through access needle.
2. Return in 1 to 2 weeks reattempt at popliteal access.
am i able to bill 36245 for this? on 1/25/24 also we have billed 75716
thanks in advance