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Sesser, IL
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Does anyone know where I can find information about charging or not charging different fee for specialist and family practice?
Re: Fee Schedule Specialist v FP

First of all you can charge as much as you want per level of service - but you will not always receive what you expect from the insurance company. There are two ways to gain a comparitive perspective would be to obtain an RBRVS book which is a book that helps set reasonable and customary guidelines to follow when creating and/or changing the current fee schedule and review your contracts reimbursement section for each insurance carrier or you can pull your contracts review the reimbursement schedule it will include or it should include how certain services are reimbursed. The physicians credentialing as a Specialist will usally be at a different rate then a Family Practice Physician and obtain a list of most frequently CPT codes and submit them to your current contracted insurance carriers for their allowable.

Hope this helps
