Wiki Need some help with the anesthesia code


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Principal Proc:
Cystourethroscopy with right retrograde pyelogram
Right ureteroscopy with laser lithotripsy and vascular extraction of calculus
Placement of right 6x26 JJ stent

We coded this as:

52353 surgical code
00918 anes code
your choice is correct, if you go to the CPT index and look for "lithotripsy" you have the same code (52353) for bladder, urethra & ureter. For kidney stone removal you would use alternative anes code 00862. The key is to find out the site of the stone removal (bladder, urethra & ureter=00918, kidney=00862).
I would code for the retrograde pyelogram, asa code 01922. Look at the May 2005 Anesthesia & Pain Coding Alert on pg 38, it gives you an example as to why code for the retrograde pyelogram.

Alicia, CPC