Wiki nephrology billing 90935


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Can I bill 90935 with dx esrd observational patient not our esrd patient or should the dx be changed to arf.

I know this post is pretty old. However, I am just now wondering the same thing. If a patient is seen in observation with ESRD do you bill the 90935? which by definition states it is for Inpt ESRD and NON- ESRD outpt. so this would indicate to me it should not be used because it is in an outpt. Did you ever get clarification on this, I really need it. Also where does the G0257 fall into this senario? is this G code one that only a hospital can bill?
Late on this one...

Sorry for the late response. For non ESRD, obs, not our pt, HD we use the transient 90970. If it is our dialysis pt then it falls under the MCP.