Wiki Neurology?

what kind of questions do you have? If I know what type if Neurology information you are looking for, I can direct you to some helpful resources.:eek:

Sorry it has taken so long for me to answer. Well I really do not have specific questions at the present time but believe I will be coding for a neurology office in the very near future and wanted to do some research etc. Any and all help or resources you can give me would be greatly appreciated :)

Here are some sites that I have found to be helpful:

I know that I have some more, but I just can't think of them right now. If you have questions or issues, please don't be afraid to ask me. I am always willing to help a fellow coder. It can be tough finding info for some of the neuro procedures. I have had to do alot of research for some things, but once you get started, at least you have a base. I really enjoy coding for Neuro....I really find it very interesting. good luck!!:)
I have a specific Neuro question... sort of. My practice management service just started billing hospital claims for 2 neurologists, and I'm having trouble dragging more than one diagnosis out the consults. They tend to speak in "Differential Diagnoses", which are uncodable. Also, what do you use for diagnoses for an EEG? Is it always going to be Abnormal EEG? All the one's I've read so far say "cannot prove or disprove seizures in this patient. Clinical correlation is advised." Thanks for those sites, BTW. I'm heading over to look at them, now.