Wiki Neurostimulator analysis programming


Grand Rapids
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New to Neurology and can't find any real good documentation for this anywhere. Not sure which code to use and would appreciate any help on this.

CPT changed the definition of a simple vs. complex neurostimulator. Instead of being defined based on what parameters the stimulators are CAPABLE of changing, they are instead based on how many are ACTUALLY CHANGED during the programming. (3 or less = simple, more than 3 = complex).

There are simple reprogramming code options for spinal cord and peripheral neruostimulators, but not cranial. The only programming option available for cranial is complex.

So my question do I code the procedure if 3 or less parameters are changed on a cranial nerve neurostimulator?
New to Neurology and can't find any real good documentation for this anywhere. Not sure which code to use and would appreciate any help on this.

CPT changed the definition of a simple vs. complex neurostimulator. Instead of being defined based on what parameters the stimulators are CAPABLE of changing, they are instead based on how many are ACTUALLY CHANGED during the programming. (3 or less = simple, more than 3 = complex).

There are simple reprogramming code options for spinal cord and peripheral neruostimulators, but not cranial. The only programming option available for cranial is complex.

So my question do I code the procedure if 3 or less parameters are changed on a cranial nerve neurostimulator?

You will use 95971 for simple reprogramming. The description of 95970 (I have the professional CPT from AMA) indicates in parentheses that the cranial nerves are considered peripheral nerves.