Wiki New Medicare rates for Telehealth


Raleigh, NC
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Trying to locate if we need to refile our claims to receive the updated rates or if Medicare will reprocess all claims from March 1st. Has anyone heard anything regarding this?
I have the same question; I haven't been able to find any information on this. The EOB's we are receiving (with recent dates of service) still have the old reimbursement amounts for telephone calls.
I have the same question; I haven't been able to find any information on this. The EOB's we are receiving (with recent dates of service) still have the old reimbursement amounts for telephone calls.
Ours too, but the updated payment amount didn't come out in our region until last Wed evening. I tried calling the MAC but could not get pass the recordings to live person. Not sure if they are working from home or not. Hopefully someone will hear or know of something soon.