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I'm a fairly new member. I joined the AAPC in November and just passed my CPC exam and I had a question. In events there are local chapter exams. I was just curious to find out what those are about?
Congrats on passing your exam! The AAPC Calendar has all of your Local Chapter meetings, workshops and test's (CPC Exams) that your chapter is hosting. You should be able to click on the link and it will give specifics about the location and proctor's for that test date. Each chapter is encouraged to Proctor a minimum number of exams each year.

You also have an area called My Events which holds everything that you have registered for and it also keeps track of anything you have registered for in the past. It is really helpful.

Have a great day,
Hello my name is Andrea and I am getting ready to take the exam in April. I was wondering if you could give me advice on taking the exam. I am taking the CPC exam. I have a study guide from last year. Do you think I need to get another book for 2009?
CPC Exam 2009

I would suggest utalizing the study guide for 2009. As we all know there are changes and modifications to the CPC Exam every year. I am getting ready to submitt my paperwork to take a local chapter exam in the next few months. Good luck on your test in April!
The local chapters are where yo can go to get familiar with other coders in your area also they may have work shops where you can earn CEU'S. Also how did you find the exam to be, I am gonna take mine at the end of this month and I have purchased the practice exam that they have so that I can practice on my speed.