Hi out there,
I'm surfing the web looking for some training on coding heart caths. I'm new to cardiology and and trying to see what exactly I should be looking for when coding. I have the codes, but I'm looking for information to fall back on, when should I code one versus the other etc. Any help in sending me in the right direction would be appreciated. I've got about 6 to do and just want to be sure I'm understanding what I'm coding. Many thanks!
I'm surfing the web looking for some training on coding heart caths. I'm new to cardiology and and trying to see what exactly I should be looking for when coding. I have the codes, but I'm looking for information to fall back on, when should I code one versus the other etc. Any help in sending me in the right direction would be appreciated. I've got about 6 to do and just want to be sure I'm understanding what I'm coding. Many thanks!