Wiki Newborn Transport Question - Opinions Please!


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I bill for a group of Neonatologists and Neonatal Nurse Practitioners and I have a question about billing the Neonatal Critical Care Transport Codes of 99466 and 99467. Typically our transports are attended by the NNP (she does have her own billing NPI). The CPT book states specifically "services delivered by a physician....", so in my opinion, we can't bill for the services of an NNP for this code. However, a coding guidelines book published by the American Academy of Peds specifically says that we CAN bill this when the NNP goes on the transport. I'm confused as this seems to contradict the CPT book. Am I reading the CPT too literally by emphasizing "physician"? I'l love some other opinions on this. Thanks!!
Nurse practitioner

If your nurse practitioner has her own NPI number, she can use any of the CPT codes that fall in her scope of practice. So, yes, her services during transport can be coded using CPT 99466-99467. Bill goes out under the NP's name/NPI.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Hi Linda/Tessa - we are billing these transport codes using an NP just as Tessa describes, having some trouble getting our software to complete the claim as needed with transport to/from information......are you submitting with a Place of Service 41?