Wiki No Call, No Shows


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Lately, we have been incurring multiple no call, no shows on a daily basis. We have an FAQ the patient signs notifying them of a no show fee, however, new patients have been no showing as well. Without an FAQ or any other information, we can only place an alert on their chart. Is there any way to prevent this or what is everyone else doing?
Lately, we have been incurring multiple no call, no shows on a daily basis. We have an FAQ the patient signs notifying them of a no show fee, however, new patients have been no showing as well. Without an FAQ or any other information, we can only place an alert on their chart. Is there any way to prevent this or what is everyone else doing?

I am assuming you confirm your appointments, yes? Confirming appointments helps. We are a surgical practice so if a NP does not show we call the referring dr. to let them know. If it is an established pt, we call them after the first ns to try to reschedule but if they ns X'2 then we send them a pt discharge letter. You can also charge a fee for ns but your pts must be aware of the charge.

Hope this helps.
I've run into the same problem several times with patients who no show, even when the appointment was confirmed. We implemented a fee policy for our established patients, but for new patients who no showed, I created a form letter that I faxed to the referring doctor to let them know that their patient no showed/cancelled versus hoping someone in the referring office took a proper message.
What we've found for new patients is that you can reduce new patient no-shows by taking time when the appointment is set to explain that you are a very busy practice and have other patients that would gladly fill in their slot if they need to cancel, so it is very important that they contact you as soon as possible if they cannot keep their appointment time. Come from the standpoint of you needing their help to ensure your practice is able to provide patients with full attention and detail to their healthcare needs and nipping this problem ahead of time will help you devote your energies to that end. Letting them know their care is important to you and obtaining their help and assurance is key to operating efficiently.

For appointments made by the referring provider, take time to visit with their office at the time the call is made to ensure they communicate to their patient that your office charges for non-cancellations and that you appreciate the courtesy of early notification if their patient cannot keep their appointment.

And finally, if your practice is able to, you might consider only scheduling new patient appointments after the patient has completed your new patient records (and no-show policy) and returned them to your office. This option takes a little coordination in that you have to mail the forms or allow the patient to download and fax them back. In this method, you could require a credit card authorization to be signed so that you are able to charge for no-shows if the patient doesn't keep their appointment. In doing all this, you reduce the initial time it takes when new patients come in because they've already completed all your paperwork. You also set the tone for patient expectations by explaining all your policies up front (refills, payments, records copies, etc.)