Wiki No Laterality with Primary OA Glaucoma?


Brookings, OR
Best answers
Hi There!

I am working in an ophthalmology office setting and as we gear up for ICD10 I notice that some of the Glaucoma codes include laterality and some do not. I was wondering if there was a reason why these codes sometimes include laterality and sometimes not.

Examples including laterality

H40.001=pre-glaucoma, unspecified, right eye
H40.023=Open Angle with borderline findings, high risk, bilateral

Examples with out

H40.10x1=Unspecified open-angle glaucoma mild stage
H40.11x1=Primary open-angle glaucoma mild stage
H40.20x1=Unspecified primary angle-closure glaucoma

I am hoping to be able to explain why the second set of codes do not allow for laterality.

I posed this question to an ophthalmologist and to be honest he totally understood and approved why there is no LATERALITY for primary open angle. I wish I could tell you how he explained it, but the summary of the discussion is that it made sense and should not be changed. So inquire with your provider, they may be able to give better invite from a clinical perspective.