Wiki Non-Billable Service Code


Vestaburg, MI
Best answers
The office that I am employed at do Care Management Services for patients which are billed as monthly totals. My billing company has trouble comprehending this so we are in need of a non-billable service code. Can anyone tell me what this code might be? I was thinking that using the 99024 code would be the right one but I wanted some other opinions. Thank you!
I didnt event think of that. thank you.

I have opened a whole new world for you! LOL! Here are some of ours, to make sure we don't bill something to insurance in error. Our current software doesn't allow us to designate a code as nonbillable like some software does, but if I accidentally try to send the claim electronically, the clearinghouse will reject it before it ever gets to the insurance company.

LATECX - Late cancel fee
NOSHOW - No show fee
DISFRM - Disability form
JURY - Jury duty form
DMV - DMV form
DEPO - Deposition
ATTYP - Attorney phone call
HALFD - Court testimony, half day
FULLD - Court testimony, full day