Wiki NovaSure

Chico, CA
Best answers
NovaSure according to the company is a non-hysteroscopy guided endometrial ablation. However, most physicians choose to do a diagnostic scope first and then the NovaSure.

The company recommends that a coder uses the hysteroscopy guided ablation as the code, even though it's not hysteroscopy guided.

I am not very comfortable with this advice and when I asked why they don't recommend a diagnostic scope code and the non-hysteroscopy guided ablation code, no answer was provided. I am asumming one of the codes is edited out.

Any opinions from other coders?
Not on this exact example, but for PTNS for Urology. A rep told us to use a specific code, which ended up being denied by insurances because an unlisted code was what was appropriate. When we went back to them and asked why they told us this was the code to use, they had no good answer.

Moral of the story- don't trust the reps to give appropriate coding advice.