Wiki NP billing


Dandridge, TN
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I have a question..If a NP sees a patient in the office with Dr. Smith in the suite, be bill under Dr. Smith. Lets say the NP is paid for and usually billed under Dr. Jones. This week Dr. Jones is out of the office but he still wants all charges billed under his name even though Dr. Smith is the only one in the office. Can we bill under Dr. Jones if he comes into the office next week and reviews the charts on the patients the NP saw and signs off on them.

No if you are billing incident to which means billing under the doctor when one other than the doctor is in the room with the patient, then you must bill using the supervising physician. Under CR1776 it states.. "if there is no face to face encounter between the physician and the patient( even if the physician signs off on the documentation provided by the NPP), then the visit must be billed using the NPP's number." Which then comes my next question, if you are billing all services under the physician, then do they meet the definition of incident-to? That is are these visits where the patient has already been evaluated by the physician for this same dx, and the physician that is being nilled under is present in the office suite.