Wiki OB - Vaginal Delivery


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Need help capturing correct sequence of diagnosis for a vaginal delivery, patient is 41 weeks pregnant with Group B streptococcus (GBS), normal live birth


33 yo G5P3013 at GA 41w3d (EDD by: LMP) presents for IOL or late term. Reports intermittent contractions.
Vaginal bleeding: Denies
Vaginal discharge: Denies
Loss of fluids: Denies
Contractions: Intermittent
Decreased Fetal movement: Denies
Last PO intake: Yesterday
Prenatal care with Dr. Bryan
Complications with this pregnancy: GBS Positive
ABO/Rh: A+
Rubella: Immune
HIV: Negative
Hep B: NR
GBS: Positive
GC/CT: negative
PMH: Denies
PSxH: Denies
Meds: PNV
Ob Hx:
G1 - 2006 SVD, 8.6#
G2 - 2007 SAB
G3 - 2011 SVD, 7.2#
G4 - 2015 SAB, 6.12#

Gyn hx: Denies history of STD. Denies herpes. Denies abnormal pap Hx.
SH: Denies smoking, drinking and illicit drug use

Review Of Systems:
Const: No weakness, fever, or chills.
Resp: No SOB or cough
Skin: No rash or itching
CV: No palpitations or edema
GI: No abd pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea
GU: No dysuria, vaginal bleeding or vaginal discharge. +Pregnant.
Musc: No swelling or pain.
Neuro: No headache, neck pain, or neuro deficits.

Gen: Well dressed, Well Nourished, alert and no acute distress
Head: Normocephalic/Atraumatic
Eyes: Normal inspection.
Neck: Supple.
Resp: Lungs clear to ausculation. No increased respiratory effort
CV: RRR. No m/r/g
ABD: Soft, no abnormal tenderness, obese, gravid
EXT: Non-tender. No swelling.
Skin: Intact.
Neuro: Awake and alert. No obvious motor or sensory deficits.
Psych: Normal mood.
Non-Stress Test:
Baseline 120, mod variablility, + accels, no decels
Toco: intermittent contractions
EFW: 6.5 by leopolds
Adequate pelvis
Membranes: intact
Presentation: cephalic

#Intrauterine pregnancy at GA:41w3d, induction of labor
- Expectant management, expect NSVD. Discussed possible reasons for c-section such as arrest of dilation, arrest of descent, or non-reassuring
fetal activity.
- Continuous EFM/TOCO monitoring
- Vitals: afebrile
- CAT I strip: baseline 120, moderate variability, +accels, - decels; TOCO intermittent contractions
- SVE: 2/70/-2, cephalic
- Membranes: intact
- Prenatal labs available and within normal limits
- Pain Management: Epidural desired
- Induction: Plan to start cytotec PV then pitocin when cervix is favorable
- Pitocin augmentation per protocol if needed
- Ambulate to restroom, place foley if epidural is placed
- Keep patient NPO, ice chips okay
#GBS Positive
- PCN allergy without sensitivities noted
- Vancomycin for ppx
#Postpartum Care
- Pediatrician:
- Breastfeeding
- Tdap: discuss in postpartum
- Contraception: discuss in postpartum
#Risk Assessment
- DVT risk: low. Will encourage early ambulation.
- PPH risk: low. Will monitor EBL at delivery and postpartum.Follow up postpartum hemoglobin and hematocrit
Full Code
DVT ppx: Ambulation
DIET: Regular
DISPO: Admit for IOL

OB Delivery

GBS status:
GBS status: positive
Baby A Information
Baby A information
Gender: male
APGAR 1 minute: 8
APGAR 5 minutes: 9
Nuchal cord Baby A
Nuchal cord: yes (tight,deliv.through)
Additional comments:
head was loa and there a nuchal cord that could not be reduced. nsvd viable male apgars 8,9. placenta delivered intact. there was bilateral
periurethal abrasions noted and not repaired.
ebl: 200
OB-Vaginal Delivery Response


I always go with reason for Admission since that is what Inpatient Guidelines directs.
Either O99824 or O480 will do. But I would go with GBS+ treated w/ antibiotics. However, disposition to admit was for induction of labor at 41 wks. There was a nuchal cord w/ compression, so I would code this O691XX0- L/D compl by cord around neck, w/ compression, n/a or unsp. And don’t forget POA assignment. AHA coding clinic has POA assignment samples in the 2008 CY which address the compressed nuchal cord. Code Z880 for penicillin allergy since this affected treatment for GBS and see if Tdap was administered Z23 and liveborn status code Z370 Z3A41

Hope this helps!