Wiki obs status changed to inpt in hosp for 4 days


Plattsburgh, NY
Best answers
patient is in obs, changed to inpt day 2 , stays day 3 & 4
our charges team enters the charges that way day 1=obs , day 2= inpt day 3=inpt , day 4 =inpt
Can they bill that to medicare?
E/M Code Families

If/When an observation stay is converted to an inpatient stay, the admission date should be changed back to the patient's first day in the hospital. Therefore, day 1 should be your inpatient admission code, and days 2-4 should be your subsequent hospital care codes.
If/When an observation stay is converted to an inpatient stay, the admission date should be changed back to the patient's first day in the hospital. Therefore, day 1 should be your inpatient admission code, and days 2-4 should be your subsequent hospital care codes.
I disagree. I too thought that was the correct way, but after extensive research, there are many factors to consider. You could bill day 1 as the initial observation code and days 2-4 should be subsequent inpatient codes. I would also check with your MAC for specific guidelines. Here's a link from CMS too that I found very helpful.