Wiki Observation coding


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General question, new to inpatient and outpatient. In our practice currently I am just capturing the professional services, so if I'm coding providers H&P or see providers who see patients from ER to observation, I should NOT be using the G0378 code, correct?:confused:

Obervation codes are to be used by the attending phy only, per CPT guidelines and CGS Medicare. Initial obs codes are 99218-99220. follow up 99224-99226 discharge 99217.
This might help, G0378 is a facility code:

"Initial Observation Care CPT® codes 99218-99220 and subsequent Observation Care CPT codes 99224-99226 are
used to report evaluation and management (E/M) services provided to new or established patients designated as
"observation status" in a hospital."

Question 4 near bottom of page:

"Why are Observation Codes G0378 and G0379 not addressed in this policy?
A: These HCPCS codes are not to be reported for physician services. These codes are to be billed by
facilities on a UB-04 claim form."
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