Wiki Observation then Admit

Greer, SC
Best answers
When studying the CCC study guide on p25 1st column last 2 paragraphs and top of next . If a pt comes into the hospital on fri june 1 and the dr admits pt to observation to monitor the pt and decides two days later to admit the pt on june 3 for further evaluation. It states if the services occur on different dates of service, both services can be coded.
so is this true?
if so (commercial ins) would this be correct june1 99219 and june 3 99221 if seen on june 2 99225. assumbing the levels are correct?

I know I might seem all over the place trying to learn the correct way because I am new to coding.

Our doctors might be called to do a consult and decide to admit to obv then admit days later. then would it be a consult code then an admit code?
