Wiki Obstetrical Endo loop placement


Tulsa, OK
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Hello OB/GYN Group,

Baby A delivered alive at home. This was inevitable due to previous rupture and already known cord prolapse on arrival to hospital Endo loop placed x2. Baby b still fht 155. Discussed case with mfm. Due to being monochorionic.and still at high risk of abruption and or chorio she is not a candidate for cerclage.

Pt had a vaginal exam performed after delivery of twin A. Umbilical cord clamped and cut. Endoloop placed on umbilical cord of twin A as close to cervix as possible. Afterwards, cord noted to have lengthened slightly, second endoloop placed. Remainder of umbilical cord of twin A cut. Patient tolerated procedure well.
My question is what CPT code would capture the work done for the Endo loop placement or would I bill the H&P only? Pt is 19w3d gestation and presented via EMSA after delivery of twin A at home in the setting of known previable PPROM w/ prolapsed cord of twin A for which patient was recently hospitalized for. At time of admission, pt has not delivered twin B.

Thank you so much for any suggestions advised.
Hello OB/GYN Group,

Baby A delivered alive at home. This was inevitable due to previous rupture and already known cord prolapse on arrival to hospital Endo loop placed x2. Baby b still fht 155. Discussed case with mfm. Due to being monochorionic.and still at high risk of abruption and or chorio she is not a candidate for cerclage.

Pt had a vaginal exam performed after delivery of twin A. Umbilical cord clamped and cut. Endoloop placed on umbilical cord of twin A as close to cervix as possible. Afterwards, cord noted to have lengthened slightly, second endoloop placed. Remainder of umbilical cord of twin A cut. Patient tolerated procedure well.
My question is what CPT code would capture the work done for the Endo loop placement or would I bill the H&P only? Pt is 19w3d gestation and presented via EMSA after delivery of twin A at home in the setting of known previable PPROM w/ prolapsed cord of twin A for which patient was recently hospitalized for. At time of admission, pt has not delivered twin B.

Thank you so much for any suggestions advised.
Unlisted is your only choice here (59899). But a comparison code will be hard to come by as this is basically an exam with a bit of extra work in apply the endoloops. Maybe 12020 as a comparison code? Or just bill the exam but make time your selection criteria since the endoloops added to the work of the exam.
Unlisted is your only choice here (59899). But a comparison code will be hard to come by as this is basically an exam with a bit of extra work in apply the endoloops. Maybe 12020 as a comparison code? Or just bill the exam but make time your selection criteria since the endoloops added to the work of the exam.

Thank you Melanie, greatly appreciated!