Wiki OMT charging

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I have a new Provider that is a Do. She is nder the inpression that when she charges for her OMT procedure, that she atuomatically can charge the 99214 code as she says that all her colleages bill their OMT visits out this way. The CPT code book does state that an E&M code can be charged out with the 98925-29 codes if the patients condition requires a significant seperately identifiable E/M service above and beyond the usual preservice and postservice associated with the procedure. My provider states that every time she does an OMT procedure she has to decide then how to treat for the problem and that everytime both an E/M code and OMT code should be used.
Can anyone elaborate on this for me. as when I read the cpt code description, I see it as the E/M is included in the procedure unless there is something more going on.

Thanks in advance for your help with this

Kelly Blanch CPC
She is looking for trouble if she is billing E&M with every OMT, Also billing the same E&M level for every patient will put her at the top of a list for audits. I found the following from a presentation about OMT w/ E&M

Pre-service work bundled into OMT

The physician determines which osteopathic techniques
(eg, HVLA, Muscle energy, Counterstrain, articulatory, etc)
would be most appropriate for this patient, in what order the
affected body regions need to be treated and whether
those body regions should be treated with specific
segmental or general technique approaches. The physician
explains the intended procedure to the patient, answers
any preliminary questions, and obtains verbal consent for
the OMT. The patient is placed in the appropriate position
on the treatment table for the initial technique and region(s)
to be treated.