Wiki Ophthalmology coding question


Standish, ME
Best answers
Just wondering if anyone knows anything about Ozurdex? Its an intravitreal implant of corticosteroid dexamethasone that was just FDA approved in June; there is no specific code for it yet and I can't find any information at all on the web in reference to billing it to insurance, including Medicare. Anyone have any insight? Thank you!
FDA approved drugs

Although I'm new to the coding arena. C9399 is a code that is applied to all FDA approved drugs after 2004 for medication that does not have it's own code. I recently listened to a auto-conference from Health Solutions. Feel free to further investigate and look up on Medicare website.etc...
Your best source of information about this new drug is their sales rep...that's what we are doing in my office....we are having a meeting with them I think this week because we are all confused....I know with medicare you need to submit copy of the invoice with your billing....I will reply again tomorrow with the code to bill