Wiki ORIF with digital block


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I am new to anesthesia coding and I have a case I need help with. It was a digital block provided by anesthesiologist for a finger fracture. The procedure was ORIF with nail bed repair. Is the anesthesia inclusive of the repair?
The Anesthesia would be billed only once, using the code for the ORIF since the base units are higher. The anesthesiologists start - stop time would include all procedures performed during that time by the surgeon.
There was no anesthesia just the nerve block? Can I bill for the block as a flat fee, there were stop and start times listed but no anesthesia administered? Thanks for any help I'm very new to anesthesia coding!!
Please verify if the patient was monitored during the procedure. It's not unusual to do a digital block for this procedure but the anesthesiologist will still monitor the patient for airway and reactions. If you have an anesthesia report w/ patient being monitored then the anesthesia is billable seperatly. This means that the form of anesthesia was the block. Hope this helps. Personally, I'd bill 01830 w/ time...