Wiki OV with primary care phy


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Pt comes in to see there family phy for the hypertension, they had a CABG done with their cardiologist. Physician codes the dx they were in for but also codes p/o CABG, how would you could that or would you even code it, because he is not the one that done the surgery. I look at postop as being seen by phy. that has done the surgery. The only thing I could think of was looking at a history code for cardiovascular problems. Help please
I would use V45.81, Other postsurgical states; other postprocedural status; aortocoronary bypass status.

This is just stating the patient has had bypass surgery and not that the physician is caring for the patient's post-op care. The physician most likely feels that this is important information as if affects his care in regards to the hypertension.