Wiki Ovarian/tube sx


Port Charlotte, FL
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I need help w/ the following.
Combined vaginal abdominal procedure, laparoscope approach. She had an Ovarian cyst that was opened and drained and had left tubal and ovarian torsion, which was untorsed. I was looking at 58805 for the cyst drainage but I can find anything for the untorsed ovary/tube. Any thoughts are greatly appreciately.
I believe 58805 is an open procedure, not laparoscopic. 49322 is laparoscopy with aspiration of ovarian cyst. What was done vaginally?
I see the difference w/ the different code. Thanks for that.

The description of the procedure is: Diagnostic laparoscopy for reversal of left tubal torsion, shortening of suture ligature of the uteroovarian ligament on the left and drainage of several simple cysts of the left ovary.
I don't see anything specifically documented about it being vaginal except inthe beginning it states draped in usual manner for combined vaginal abdominal procedure...this is my confusion.