Wiki Pacemaker by company technician


Littleton, CO
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For our pacemaker checks, a technician from the manufacturer comes to the office and does all the technical aspect of it.

Our Cardiologists reviews the data from the pacemaker. I have told our Cardiologists that we can only bill for the professional componenent of the service if they are present in the room with the rep. They are insistent that because it is done in our facility and the company is not billing for the technical aspect of it, we can bill globally.
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If the doctor is in the room while the technician is doing the interrogation then the doctor can bill for the global charge; both technical and professional portion. If the tech does the interrogation and the doctor is NOT in the room BUT the doc reviews the results and dictates the report, the doctor can only bill for the interpretation of the results... you would add modifer 26 to the appropriate code.

So, if your documentation reads something like this..."I interrogated the pacemaker with the assistance of Joe Smith form Pacemaker Inc" etc... this would qualify to bill for the global charge.

I hope this has helped and didnt cause any confusion,

Dolores, CPC,CCC