Wiki Palatopharyngeus muscle flaps?

Strasburg, CO
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The physician is listing this procedure as 1. Tonsillectomy 2. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 3. Bilateral Adjacent Tissue Transfer (Palatopharyngeus Muscle Flaps)- Functional Expansion Pharyngoplsaty Technique
(To treat obstructive sleep apnea)
He wants me to code this as 42145 (UPPP), 14040 (adjacent tissue transfer or rearrangement mouth), and 42826

OP NOTE (after routine tonsillectomy): After approprate time for medication to take effect, i turned attention the right tonsillar pillar. The palatopharyngeus muscle was carefully sepated off the superior constrictor muscle at the bottom third of its course and an anchor stitch was secured around the muscle belly using a stick-tie technique. Careful electrocautery was then used to divide this muscle untill about 1cm x 0.5cm muscle flap was elevated. A suture was then placed through the fascial sling of the hamulus, and passed into the superior tonsillar fossa. This was placed though the muscle flap and then passed back superiorly again through the fascial sling of the hamulus. After creathing a tunnel with right angle dissector, the muscle and mucosa and roated up and the sutre was tied down to hold this in place. A second 3-0 vicryl suture was then used to secure the flap within the tunnel at the midpoint of the tunnel. This created substantial increase in the retropalatal space and depth. This procedure was then carried out identically on the left side. The uvula was noted to be significantly elongated and a 15 blade was used to shorten the uvula to more appropriate lenth. Sutures were then used to close the uvular muscle and mucosa. Additional sutures were then used to re-approximate the muscle and mucosal layers of the tonsillar fossae.

I feel like this is 42950 (Pharyngoplasty) with 42826 (tonsillectomy) or something else. But another physician who does this procedure for OSA told my physician how to code this. Just trying to confirm!
I went with what the doctor wants, 42145, 14040, 42826(Which may not pay depending on the payer because it can be bundled with UPPP) I still would love to hear if others run into this, and their opinions!
Alyssa, a muscle flap is not coded 14040. I suggest you look at 15733.
Would that be appropriate if there is not a named vascular pedicle? In all of the OP notes he does of this procedure he calls it, Bilateral Adjacent Tissue Transfer (Bilateral alatopharyngeus muscle flaps) - Functional Expansion Pharyngoplasty Technique. He wants to use 14040, because he also calls it bilateral adjacent tissue transfer. But I know he's describing a muscle flap but without the vascular pedicle named.
I would query the surgeon and get him to name vascular pedicle via an addendum to the op note. It is as wrong to code this as a skin ATT as it is to code it as 15733 without him documenting the vascular pedicle. It may even be more wrong since an ATT is skin and he did a muscle flap