Wiki Pap smear for medical products


Alta Loma, CA
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Hi, is anyone there how to bill thew pap smears for medical and medical products as IEHP, vantage etc??? my Dr. was giving me an E/M code with Z01.419 and 88141 together.. which is completely wrong, I start billing 88142 with 88141 and mid 90 with Z01.419 for comercial products and so far it being paid, but not for medical .. how can i bill the papsmear for them??? im desperate!!!!!:confused:
Your question is worded a bit awkwardly and I'm not certain what you are asking.
Is your physician simply COLLECTING the PAP? If you are collecting the specimen, the correct code is Q0091 along with your E&M code. Many insurances will not pay additionally (even if you put -25 on the E&M and -59 on Q0091) and consider collecting the PAP as part of your E&M.
Or is your physician a pathologist and interpreting the PAP smear? In that case, the 88141-88154 codes are the correct ones, depending on how it is collected and read.
thank you, yes my dr. just collect the specimen, i have been billed e/m and Q0091 yes but it get denied and just paid the e/m, this code only medicare pays it. I've been searching and i found out that when my dr does the papsmear its include on the visit.