Wiki Pediatrician coding postpartum depression on child's visit

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I am working for a pediatrician's office that is billing CPT 96161 with F53 diagnosis on the child's visit. This of course is denying as diagnosis not consistent with the patient's age. I believe this is something that belongs on the maternal record, but I do not know how to advise my doctors with this. I am new so I am not sure how to approach this.
I'd just show them the entry in an ICD-10 book. This is a female-only, maternity diagnosis, which means it can only be used on female pts between the ages of 12-55, per ICD-10.

What code(s) does the documentation support?
We bill this form as long as it is graded and scanned into the childs chart at the visit the EPDS is 96161 we use it at the birth to 2 wk well check to screen moms for depression
and we just use the standard newborn wcc dx Make certain your practice has a referral protocol in place for the positive (moms) you will need to be able to refer them out and follow up on the Mental health care
if we see the mother at our breastfeeding clinic we bill the cpt code 96160 and use the screening for mental health dx of Z39.1 for the visit and then z13.89 for the screener, again with a graded scanned copy in the moms chart it typically denies to pt liability or globals but some of our mgd mcd plans pay it